Biologisch melkveebedrijf J. en S. Bouma

Tipo de activoDeuda privada
Estrategia de impactoAgricultura y alimentación sostenible
SectorAgricultura y ganadería ecológicas
Alineado con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)

Descripción disponible solo en inglés

This is a family business from Grou in the province of Friesland (the Netherlands) that has been supplying organic milk since 1987. The land is fed with its own manure. The cows are not given antibiotics, they go out to pasture as often as possible and are fed with as many raw materials from their own land as possible. In addition to 80 hectares of grassland at home, where there are about 135 cows and 90 young stock, the family manages 40 hectares of natural land. This meadow bird country can only be reached by boat. When the meadow birds have left, the young stock can enjoy the space here.